Sunday 7 June 2015

Great pleasure to be part of something… about societies

         Are you a member of some society group? I am, well maybe more like society groups. Why? Because you can explore new things, get to know new, interesting people with whom you can share your interests, you can just feel that what you are doing is not totally pointless… This kind of society may well save something like saving language from being forgotten or even its death. Maybe that’s not so optimistic but I thing just because of some society groups we have what we have. What if some important things like science breakthroughs or poems would be forgotten if not people who took care of it. That is why nowadays we need that kind of group. And by making some project saving thing. I don’t know if you have already heard of a website called: This is the page made by students and teachers about “dying languages” in the world and actually it has been made by people from our university. Isn’t that great?! Maybe you should get involved into this project too to let people know something more about dangerous language that maybe you are familiar with? Try it… ;)

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