Wednesday 15 October 2014

The very beginning...

Have you ever wondered how does it feel to save someone's life? By the word 'someone' I mean not only human's life but also other beings that we can say that "live" all around us. From animals to our beloved teddybears that we took care of and shared a great part of our lives with. Once I did encountered a very interesting page where I could "save the words". On this page there was a lot of words mostly unknown for me. I tried to figure out what this page was all about but then it came to me. The words started to speak "Hey, pick me" and all I had to do was to choose an option "Adopt". Then I became the saviour of this word by learning it by heart to use it in the future. What is that for you may ask. But it's a great pleasure for me to save words that are not so far from the oblivion. What's more, I think I'm saving a part of a great but a bit old culture by doing so. Just wonder how this world would be like if everyone knew just a couple of words? Sick plan, huh? So if you want to have a great companion of your English adventure, pick a friend ;)


  1. This linked page is really funny. These all words are to hug?

  2. This is great! It would be even better if you managed to use one of these words in your post. Or perhaps you did? :)
